Fresko Personalized Take-Aways
Personal Core Essence Tagline & Statement
The Core Essence Statement is a sentence which concisely articulates who you are, how you work, and what motivates you. The Tagline are two catchy words to describe your Core Essence Statement.
Fresko Personalized Summary
The personalized summary of all topics discussed during session including:
Personal Goals
Personalized Assessment Results
Tips to Avoid Challenges
Communication & Engagement Tips
Word Bank
Core Essence Statements
Helpful Tools to Meet Personal Goals
"Engagement Tips on how to communicate & engage with others
Fascinate® Advantage Report
Summary of your Fascinate® results along with videos from Sally Hogshead, creator of Fascinate Assessment.
Team Map
A heat map visually displays the group's collective advantages and challenges. It is also used to identify the team's overall top traits. These are then used to compare against the group's mission.